Friday, September 30, 2016

South-West Plains IPM Update Volume 16, Issue 18

To read newest edition of the South-West Plains IPM Update click here. Feel free to pass along as you see fit, and if you know anyone who would like to receive this newsletter by email please have them contact me at (806) 637-4060, or by email at 

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Friday, September 16, 2016

South-West Plains IPM Update Volum 16, Issue 17

The newsest edition of the South-West Plains IPM Update can be found by clicking here.  Feel free to pass along as you see fit, and if you know anyone who would like to receive this newsletter by email please have them contact me at (806) 637-4060, or by email at

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Fungicide Use Restrictions in Peanuts

Due to regulatory issues in Europe with residue testing, both Bird song Peanuts and Golden Peanut Company are stressing that producers not use Propiconazole, Monopotassium salts, Dipotassium salts, and Phosphorous acid. The use of these products could leave a residue that could cause a rejection of peanut products by the European Union. This restriction is a policy based restriction and not a restriction due to health reason. Both Golden Peanut Company and Birdsong peanuts will more than  be test peanuts as they come to the buying point. There are still many effective fungicides out for control of foliar disease such as Tebuconazole, Prothioconazole, and Azoxystrobin to name a few. For pod rots Tebuconazole, Flutolanil, Mefenoxam, PCNB+Mefenoxam, and Thiophanate-methyl are a few active ingredients that can still be used in this year's peanut crop. Remember to read and follow the labels directions. If you have any questions about the what fungicides you can or cannot use in peanuts this year, it is in your best interest to contact who your contract is with to get clarification. If you have any questions you may also contact me at (979) 482-0111 or at You can also find more information on this on the Texas Peanut Producers Blog, click here to read it.

Friday, September 2, 2016

South-West Plains IPM Update Volume 16, Issue 16

Click here to read the newest issue of the South-West Plains IPM Update. Feel free to pass along as you see fit, and if you know anyone who would like to receive this newsletter by email please have them contact me at (806) 637-4060, or by email at